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Tyler Pastors and Leaders Brunch, Saturday, Feb 15

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Organized by Mario Murillo Ministries
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You're invited to an important gathering of pastors and business leaders.

On Saturday, February 15th, at 11:00, Tyler Metro Church is hosting a free brunch for pastors and business leaders where we'll be discussing the challenges facing the church, locally and in America, and how we can best support one another during these difficult times.

America is facing serious threats to our faith and freedom like never before.
As Christian leaders, it's crucial that we unite, strengthen one another, and strategize how to best stand up for biblical values.


Evangelist Mario Murillo will be sharing an encouraging message about the breakthroughs and miracles still happening through God's power when we rely on Him. His ministry has seen tens of thousands saved and healed already, and Tyler, TX is next for this outpouring.

This brunch provides an opportunity for hearing what God is saying to America today, fellowship and wisdom. Free admission with registration, and free parking.

Space is limited, so please RSVP today using the Get Tickets button on the left. We hope to see you on February 15th as we seek God's vision for addressing the spiritual needs in our nation. Register now!

Mario Murillo

Tyler Metro Church, 14196 TX-110, Whitehouse, TX 75791