This event is over.
Warrior Course
Warrior Course will be taking place at:
24377 State Hwy OO,
Bevier, MO 63532
Concert will be taking place at:
Downtown Macon Parking lot
Corner of Oak & Rollins
Macon, MS 63552
Nearby address to concert is:It is 103 N. Rollins St., Macon, MO 63552
24377 State Hwy OO,
Bevier, MO 63532
Concert will be taking place at:
Downtown Macon Parking lot
Corner of Oak & Rollins
Macon, MS 63552
Nearby address to concert is:It is 103 N. Rollins St., Macon, MO 63552
Warrior Course - 9:00 AM Registration/ 9:30 AM Event Start
$20 Includes Food, Medal & Music
General Admission