Mass Reservations are no longer required. Please visit our website for more information.
St. Matthew's Catholic Church 2021 Weekend Masses
Please follow the below guidelines.
- PLEASE NOTE CHANGE TO 3 GREEN SEATS!! When making reservations, you MUST DE-SELECT the default assigned seat, then pick your seat from the seating map. Please be sure to leave 3 GREEN SEATS to the Right and Left of you unless you have an aisle seat, then just be sure to leave 3 GREEN SEATS on the other side of you.
- Please know St. Matthew's reserves the right to change your seats if the social distancing policy (3 GREEN SEATS ON BOTH SIDES BETWEEN YOU AND THE NEXT HOUSEHOLD) has not been followed. Your seat may also be changed to help maximize space for seating.
- Please Note: Reservations for Mass must be placed each week. This provides everyone the same opportunity to reserve seats for WEEKEND masses. Please remember, due to social distancing, seating within the church is limited. Once seating is at capacity within the church, seats will then be available in the social hall. Reservations will open every Monday at 8 AM and will close 12Noon every Thursday. If you miss the deadline, you are welcome to come as a walk-in reservation.
- If you are sick OR feel sick, we ask that you wait until you are in good health to join us again.
- Please know that your obligation to attend Mass has been suspended until this pandemic is over. Mass will continue to be recorded in which you may view by clicking the link from our website
- Masks must be worn by everyone 2 years of age and older in and around the building.
- Please Bring and use personal hand sanitizer especially before Holy Communion.
- Please be mindful of social distancing.
- Please follow all guidance provided by our volunteers
- Offertory Collection Baskets will be located at the entrance and exit doorways for your weekly donations. St. Matthew's is more than appreciative for the continued support you provide.
- For families with little ones, please feel free brining in their bible story books or bible coloring books.
- Worship aids and bulletins will be available. Bulletins will also continue to be available on-line on our website.
- With joyful hearts, we are Together Again in celebrating the Eucharist as a community.