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Jesus in His Context Conference

For the words of Scripture to be transformational, they need to be heard and understood as the biblical writers intended them to be. The Bible writers conveyed precise meanings through their words, idioms, sites, names and images used. They assumed their audience would know what they were describing, together with its intended meaning. To more fully appreciate that meaning, a passage’s context needs to be restored in order to (re)discover the transformational impact originally intended by the Holy Spirit.
Dr. Gary Burge, Professor of New Testament, Wheaton College and Graduate School, author of numerous books on topics of biblical context.
Rev. Brad Gray, “Walking the Text Ministries,” author of “Make Your Mark,” study program leader to Israel and Turkey, attended Jerusalem University College (JUC).
Doug Greenwold, Preserving Bible Times, author of nine books on biblical context, study program leader to Israel and Italy (Roman World).
Dr. Cyndi Parker, Professor at Biblical Theological Seminary (Hatfield, PA), Adjunct Professor for Bible Intensives, Jerusalem University College.
Rev. Dr. Chad Pierce, Ph.D. from the University of Durham specializing in early Judaism, pastor who leads study programs in Israel. Attended JUC.
Stacey Post, Campus Ministry Grand Valley State University, Conference Worship Leader, attended Jerusalem University College.
Tickets are $295.00/$149.00 (+ applicable service fees) until April 12th, 2017. Tickets will then increase to $359.00/$179.00 (+ applicable service fees) through the event.
General Admission
Student/Seminarian Admission