QTY | The number of emails that are currently marked to be sent. |
CLONE | Click this url to duplicate/clone the email. |
LABEL | A short descriptive label for this email to help you identify it. |
Check the boxes to pick the type of orders you would like to send emails to.
TICKETS PRINTED | Use drop down to pick orders based on wether they are printed. | ||||||||
ORDER DATE | pick a range of orders dates to select or leave 0s to select all orders. | ||||||||
TICKET TYPE | send to ALL ticket types or uncheck box to select specific orders. |
SUBJECT | Give your email a Subject. | ||||||||||
FROM NAME | Give your email a FROM NAME. | ||||||||||
SEND WHEN | pick a date and time for the email to send ot leave 0s to send immediately. | ||||||||||
REPLY TO EMAIL | enter a valid email for people to reply to with questions or issues. | ||||||||||
You can type anything in the body of the email and also drag images into the edit box. The box is PRE-FILLED with some place holders that you can use and move around the email body which will display event information.
SEND TEST TO | If you want to send a test copy of the email, enter a valid email address and click SUBMIT. |
EMAIL IS READY TO SEND | Check box to mark email ready to be sent. Once you click SUBMIT the email will be sent after the time you defined in SEND WHEN, or if not defined will be sent immediately. |
PREVIEW | Click on the preview link to see a preview of what the email will look like. Be sure to click submit to update your email setting before clicking preview. Preview will take a sample of a customer's order information and fill in the Place Holders to give you a better understanding of what the email will look like. |
Click the SUBMIT button to update the email after editing settings.