This event is over.
Chuck Compton
Doors open at 6:00 pm
On Thursday July 1, 2010, the Bowling Family was involved in a horrible bus accident just outside of Charlotte, NC.
Everyone was taken to a nearby hospital and although there are many broken bones, bumps and bruises, everyone
on the bus is expected to make a full recovery. Mike and his wife, Kelly are the only two still admitted to a Charlotte area hospital. Their injuries were more severe with Mike having to be life flighted out of the scene.
With that being said, the Bowling Family will be unable to appear on the upcoming concerts. However, we are continuing on and ask much prayer for The Bowling Family during their great time of need. We are pleased to announce that on Friday July 9th, Chuck Compton of the Comptons will be joining us for the night, and on Saturday July 10th, we will have Gaither Homecoming favorites, Jeff & Sheri Easter. Please join us for two wonderful nights in the Lord!
Price Deadlines
Artist Circle Reserved